I am a massage therapist, I am also keen to recommend SBM

 From the feedback of our client 

"I realised that i can't fix Body distortions unless i exercise myself"
I am a massage therapist, I am also keen to recommend SBM

Since starting SBM

My knee pain has gone
I am able to sit on my back
My back pain has stopped
My hunchback is healed
I have a waistline
No more sagging of the jaw
and so on.
It's really a big change.

I am very happy with the results.

More and more people around me compliment me on my proportions and every time I do, I tell them that SBM has helped me. And although I am a massage therapist, I am also keen to recommend SBM because I have learned the hard way that distortions cannot be cured unless you exercise yourself. If I hadn't done SBM, I would be a wreck now and would have aged prematurely. The change in my appearance and the fact that I have been able to overcome the terrible pain in the beginning and continue to do so has given me confidence.

Thank you Rie san

2021 Lily & Gold London MVP Huge congratulations !!!!!

Back pain, stiff shoulders, headache, hunchback, etc.
Please try SBM.

You can make a difference for yourself!

What is SBM ? 

SBM is an exercise targeting the lower back and the neck. By slowly adjusting the spinal position, it aims to balance the posture and to help regain health.
At first glance, SMB is very simple. You only need to put a SBM pillow under the lower back or under the neck and rotate the waist or neck with rhythm.

London School every Saturday 1pm - 2pm
SBM trial lesson is available.
Cost £60 (Limited time offer)



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