Making Lumber Curve and Neck Curve !

How to make lumber and neck curve by Exercise?

Our spine got lower back curve and neck curve. Its really important if you have those curve or not.

Every month I check my clients's body including pelvis, spine, hip joint , balance of muscle and curve of spine.

Most of clients who had diagnosed herniated disc or slipped disc, they do not have enough curve of spine. I see sometime too straight like a stick and too narrow discs because of compressed by yourself.


That's reason SBM will use a special pillow to make spine curve!!  Thats really important to know  you could make your spine curve by exercise.

I used to had straight neck and back as well and my both hands became numb and I took Xray at clinic etc. But I've never thought it caused by my neck. When first time my master she pointed out my body what's wrong. She said right. After I started SBM with Lily & Gold Glucosamine , all my symptoms disappears. 

Pelvis and spine are really important.  SBM (Self Body Make) literally means" making your own body"  The exercise will gradually correct the position of pelvis, spine, leading to correction of balance disorders and muscle imbalances.

Attendees of regular class have experienced improvements with 

Colonic Migraine,
Slipped disc
High Arch foot
Poor posture
Thyroid Graves's disease
Ear ringing
Period pain
Back pain
Hey fever
Motion sickness
Shoulder pain
Tiredness and fatigue
Lack of sleep
Hip Joint Pain
Loss Weight

Doesn't matter any age, you could change your body by yourself if you are ready. Be believe your body and care of yourself. 

London's Christmas light are beautiful!

Skate @ Natural History Museum 



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