Do you have Motion sickness ?

I am pleased to announce that Naoko won Lily & Gold London MVP 2019!
Lily and Gold will  choose MVP every year.

Congratulation!!!!  (Japanese Blog)

Naoko joined Lily & Gold London last November and She started doing SBM.
Reason for joining SBM class,  She wanted to improve

* Free from motion sickness (More than 10 years,Flight, Taxi, Car, Bus ....except her own driving)
* Natural smile. She done not know how to smile and expression is hard
* Beautiful posture  She doesn't know what's good posture and how to improve the posture

Naoko did not have any symptoms but she understood that how important spine of curve and Good posture is important for her health and expressions after I explained about body and SBM. 

Over one years SBM, Almost her motion sickness gone. She took 18 hours flight in Oct and she did not get sick. That's huge improvement for her and She was told your posture getting better. Never too late you could change your posture anytime 

Motion sickness is related your spine and cervical vertebra. First three month she had hard time because of her spin was to stiff and pressure each discs. 

Since repeat of Self Body Make exercises everyday, the exercise will gradually correct the position of  pelvis, spine, leading correction of balance disorders and muscle imbalances. The pressure toward intervertebral disks is reduced for treating and preventing. 

Never too late!  Let's make good posture for health.



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