Final calling - 16th SBM Detox Seminar @London

Dear Participants of the 16th SBM Detox Seminar,

Thank you very much for your continued support.

Let's focus on aligning our mind and body with an extended SBM session before the summer holiday season.

16th SBM Detox Seminar @London

Date & Time: Sunday, July 7th, 11:00 - 17:30 (Doors open at 10:30)

Venue: Shaolin Temple UK Chan Hall

207A Junction Road, Tufnell Park, London N19 5QA

Seminar Contents:

We will conduct 6 hours of SBM.

☆Let's spend 6 hours focusing on self-reflection.

☆Improving body alignment

    - We will align your body through extended SBM.

☆Improving gut environment

    - For this seminar, we will use a special immunity-boosting 

      premium drink 'Nojuku' to improve your gut environment.

Please bring your own enzyme paste and glucosamine, which you can consume during the seminar.

While we're experiencing comfortable days with rising temperatures,

please bring an extra bath towel or shawl for temperature regulation.

We are very much looking forward to seeing you all.

Please take care on your way to the seminar.

Lily & Gold London



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