Why does detoxification become more effective with SBM?





Why does detoxification become more effective with SBM?

The reason is quite simple. The exercises that create curvature in the waist and neck help to open up the intervertebral discs. All nerves pass through the spaces between the vertebrae (the intervertebral foramen), so the more these spaces open, the better the nerve flow becomes. This allows nerves to reach the extremities—hands, feet, the head—and even the ends of various organs.

Nerves function like electrical wiring. When the electricity flows smoothly, the organs naturally become more active. In terms of detoxification, this means that the intestines also become more active. This activity promotes the expulsion of unnecessary substances from the body in the form of diarrhea, sweat, and other means (circulation).

Your body will begin to expel unwanted substances through any and all openings—ears, navel, mouth, eyes, nose, vagina, and anus. Drinking enzyme drinks while doing SBM accelerates the detoxification process, making it easier for detoxification to begin.


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