Nerve Compression Numbness!  How Do You Deal with the Pain? 

When there is numbness or pain in the hands, fingers, feet, or toes, it is often related to nerve compression.

For customers practicing SBM, those suffering from herniated discs, sciatica, or numbness in their hands, fingers, or feet are recommended to combine SBM with glucosamine.

For those who also have autoimmune diseases and whose issues stem from the immune system, I recommend combining SBM with glucosamine and enzyme pastes, which include probiotics, collagen, and calcium.

How do people handle numbness and pain caused by nerve compression?

I conducted a survey in a Facebook group for people with herniated discs due to nerve compression. 145 people responded (multiple answers allowed). Thank you all for your cooperation!


Let’s take a look at the results by percentage:

1st Place: Stretching – 19%  

2nd Place: Posture improvement – 18%  

3rd Place: Physiotherapy/Rehabilitation – 15%  

4th Place: Walking – 14%

Other answers included "I had surgery" and "I did nothing."

In the comments section, some people mentioned that they tried everything listed above but ultimately had surgery to address their pain:

> "I tried all of the above, added hypnotherapy, podiatry, dry needling, and PRT (Mind-Body Therapy). The only approach that removed the pain was surgery."

Others mentioned that their condition hasn't improved:

> "Mine hasn't improved, so maybe surgery is the only fix."

Some individuals improved their condition through diet, particularly by addressing inflammation. When I asked what kind of diet helps reduce inflammation, one person shared the following:

> "Avoid maltodextrin, hydrogenated oils, and seed oils. No processed meats—nothing from the deli, it has to be fresh. Pretty much I’m on a Mediterranean diet."

Many people are taking pain relief medication.

At GP(UK) clinics and pain management clinics, steroid injections and medications like gabapentin (a drug used for neuropathic pain) are often prescribed to temporarily relieve pain. However, the duration of relief varies from person to person—some experience relief for days, others for weeks or months.

Everyone wishes to eliminate pain and numbness without relying on steroid injections or medications if possible.

Numbness and pain caused by nerve compression can be addressed with simple, correct knowledge and by restoring the body to its proper state.

It is important to take care of your body on your own, without depending on others' hands.

SBM can help correct body misalignment. 

Would you like to create a body where nerves can flow freely, without compression?

During the process of improving your body, pain and numbness may occur. That’s to be expected—how much strain have you put on your body? How much have you compressed your nerves?

Right now, there is a long wait for GP appointments, and waiting will only worsen the situation without any improvement.

Have you improved? Is there no pain? No numbness? Sometimes the absence of symptoms means that your nerves are simply numb.

There are things you can improve on your own.

For those who want to return to a normal daily life, come join an SBM trial lesson!

SBM Assessment Experience - 30 minutes -£60

1 month SBM taster lesson - 3 lesson £300

If you wish to continue after the taster lesson, an enrolment fee will be charged.

SBM Detox Seminar in London


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