A client experience with fasting and SBM

20s,  Herniated disc, High Arch , Immunity  disorder 


I initially started the fast with a plan for seven days, but it ended up lasting ten days, and including the recovery period, it extended to nearly 20 days. 

When put into words, it sounds like a long period, and I had concerns about whether I could manage such a lengthy fast while working, but it turned out to be easier than I had anticipated. The act of not eating wasn't as difficult as I expected.

During this fast, starting from the morning of the second day, I began visiting the restroom frequently, passing watery stool at least three times a day. What was interesting was that despite not eating anything, something always came out. Normally, I don't have to use the restroom that often, so I was a bit overwhelmed by the intensity of the detox reaction. I also experienced some discomfort in the area where I have a herniated disc, similar to sciatica, which persisted for a while. This, along with some emotional ups and downs during the early stages of the fast (which gradually settled as the fast progressed), led me to believe that my body was starting to expel some of the toxins it had accumulated over time. This thought had a positive impact on my mental health.

When I first started SBM and did a three-day fast, Mika mentioned that some people find the enzyme taste unpleasant, which made me a bit anxious. However, in my case, I had a strong sense that my body was craving the enzymes and even found them delicious. I often found myself drinking 500 ml of enzyme drink in one go during the fast. The main fasting period allowed me to drink one bottle of enzymes per day, which made the experience not only manageable but even enjoyable.

During this fast, I was busy and felt both stressed and tired, but since I didn't need to spend time preparing meals, I could use my time more effectively. I was able to participate in the detox seminar and complete it successfully (the detox reaction during the seminar was quite intense, and I believe I was the participant who visited the restroom the most). I was also able to focus on daily exercise, and since I was getting plenty of sleep, I managed to complete the fasting period without missing any work or SBM sessions. 

Although I experienced headaches right after starting the fast and felt fatigue (like a lack of muscle strength, making it difficult to walk) just before the recovery phase, I also noticed that my senses became sharper. I could feel what my body was lacking (for example, my sense of smell became more acute as the days went by). Towards the end, I often had cravings for meat, liver, and even butter, in addition to enzymes. This reminded me of Mika's words: "As the detox progresses and you become more in tune with your body, you'll be able to control how much you eat." This awareness made the process more enjoyable, and I could feel my body becoming lighter. Interestingly, the discomfort from sciatica has mostly disappeared now. I imagine it will return eventually, though… (laughs).

Now, it's been about a week and a half since I returned to my regular routine after the fast, and while my body feels a bit heavier again, I no longer feel as clearly in tune with what my body needs as I did during the fast. My current challenge is to remain more attuned to my body and to avoid putting anything into it unless it's truly needed. Once I start eating, it's easy to turn to food for stress relief, which I find difficult to manage. However, I plan to continue focusing on exercise and will take Mika's advice to heart: She mentioned that the difference in how I feel when I'm drinking enzymes versus when I'm not might indicate that I lack the necessary bacteria in my body. This resonated with me, so I'll continue to take enzymes and monitor my condition. I plan to delegate some of my worries to the bacteria in my body and focus on exercise, while calmly observing any ups and downs.

Interestingly, the real challenge of this fast might have been for my friends and acquaintances rather than for me. I personally didn't mind going to cafés even though I wasn't eating, but it seems many people feel awkward eating while I'm not. My close friends even pleaded with me to stop the fast, saying that going ten days without eating would kill me! I felt a bit guilty, but I stuck with it and completed it.

I started SBM out of sheer desperation due to the severe symptoms of my herniated disc, and I’m truly glad that I did. At one point, I was filled with frustration and anxiety, wondering why I had to suffer from such debilitating pain at such a young age. However, I’ve come to realize that without my herniated disc, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to learn about the underlying causes of my physical health issues, which has given me the confidence that I can improve my condition. Additionally, I wouldn't have met wonderful people like Mika, Makiko, and the other lovely participants at the class. Now, I feel incredibly fortunate and grateful for these connections.



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