Lily and Gold Enzyme Paste - The Super Immunity Boost from LPS

About Lily & Gold’s Enzyme Paste

By fermenting 110 good-quality wild grasses, medicinal herbs, and seaweeds over a year, our highly condensed enzyme contains a high level of potency in the paste

Quality and safety accredited by the Japanese Association of Preventive Medicine for Adult Disease.

Contains MAP Enzyme, a natural enzyme for balancing hormones.

Contains LPS (bacteria found in soil and/or vegetables), protecting from infections/allergies and help maintain health.

Lily and Gold Enzyme Paste contains LPS; 

The benefits of LPS are reproduced from the Japanese LPS Immunity Association website.


This is a translated version of the above Website.

The Super Immunity Boost from LPS: Enhancing Health, Preventing Disease, and Achieving Radiant Skin

In recent years, the importance of boosting immunity has garnered significant attention, with LPS (lipopolysaccharide) emerging as a key player in cultivating what is now being recognized as "super immunity." LPS has been shown to stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities, providing a wide range of benefits from preventing infections to improving chronic conditions commonly seen in modern lifestyles. Moreover, research from around the world has highlighted its effectiveness in wound healing, reducing inflammation, and enhancing skin health.

● Infection Prevention
LPS activates immune cells known as macrophages, which play a crucial role in attacking and eliminating pathogens that cause infections. Consuming LPS has been shown to enhance the effectiveness of flu vaccines and boost the body's overall immunity.

● Skin Improvement
By activating macrophages in the skin, LPS boosts metabolism, resulting in improved skin firmness and radiance. Additionally, the proliferation of fibroblasts, which are essential for skin structure, leads to increased production of collagen and hyaluronic acid, improving overall skin condition.

● Atopic Dermatitis Improvement
Atopic dermatitis is primarily caused by an imbalance in the body's acquired immune system. LPS activates macrophages, the commanders of natural immunity, which helps restore balance and improve the condition of atopic dermatitis.

●Hay Fever Suppression
Hay fever is also caused by immune imbalance. LPS activates macrophages, helping to restore balance and suppress hay fever symptoms. In experiments where mice were exposed to pollen, those given LPS showed significantly reduced symptoms compared to those that did not receive LPS.

●Cancer Prevention
LPS has been found to activate macrophages and NK cells, which are responsible for eliminating cancer cells in the body. Additionally, it has been shown to suppress the side effects of chemotherapy and enhance its effectiveness.

● Osteoporosis Prevention
Similar to skin, our bones undergo continuous renewal to maintain strength. Osteoporosis occurs when this bone metabolism is disrupted. LPS promotes bone metabolism by stimulating bone macrophages, helping to prevent osteoporosis.

● Diabetes Prevention
One cause of diabetes is the accumulation of AGEs (advanced glycation end products), which are harmful waste products in the body. LPS activates macrophages, enhancing their ability to eliminate AGEs. In studies, LPS injections in diabetic mice delayed the onset of the disease, and human trials showed a significant reduction in blood sugar levels.

v Dyslipidemia Prevention
Dyslipidemia, commonly associated with metabolic syndrome, is characterized by an excess of LDL cholesterol in the blood. LPS has been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol levels without affecting HDL (good) cholesterol.

●Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention
Alzheimer’s disease occurs when "amyloid-beta," a substance that makes up plaques in the brain, accumulates, killing nerve cells and causing brain atrophy. LPS activates the function of microglia, the brain's macrophages, helping to remove amyloid-beta and prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

● Hypertension Prevention
Excessive salt intake leads to high blood pressure as the body retains water to maintain osmotic balance. Macrophages, part of the natural immune system, gather in the skin in response to salt, forming lymphatic vessels that reduce salt concentration in tissues and prevent hypertension. LPS enhances this macrophage function, thereby helping to prevent high blood pressure.

LPS 带来的超级免疫力

从疾病预防和改善到美肌功效——LPS 的超级免疫力

随着免疫力提升的重要性引发关注,LPS(脂多糖)作为一种培养超级免疫力的物质,正在受到越来越多的关注。LPS通过激活身体的自然治愈力,从预防感染症、现代人常见的生活习惯病的预防,甚至改善过去只能依赖药物治疗的疾病,都展示了多种显著的效果。此外,由于皮肤也具有这种自然治愈力,LPS 在创伤治疗、抗炎症以及美肌方面的效果也在世界各地的研究中得到了证实。


研究表明,LPS 可以激活体内负责攻击并消灭病原体的免疫细胞——巨噬细胞。此外,摄入 LPS 可以提高流感疫苗的效果,并增强身体的整体免疫力。






花粉症是由于免疫平衡失调引起的。通过 LPS 激活自然免疫的司令塔——巨噬细胞,可以恢复免疫平衡,从而抑制花粉症。在给小鼠进行花粉暴露实验中,摄入 LPS 的小鼠相比于未摄入 LPS 的小鼠,抓鼻子的次数显著减少,证明 LPS 对花粉症有有效的抑制作用。


LPS 可以激活体内负责消灭癌细胞的巨噬细胞和 NK 细胞。除此之外,它还能够抑制抗癌药物的各种副作用,并增强药物的效果。


我们的骨骼为了保持强度,会像皮肤一样不断更新。骨质疏松症的发生正是由于这种骨骼代谢的失调所引起的。LPS 通过作用于骨骼中的巨噬细胞,促进骨骼代谢和再生,从而预防骨质疏松症。


糖尿病的一个原因是体内与衰老密切相关的 AGE(晚期糖基化终末产物),它是体内的“垃圾”。LPS 通过激活巨噬细胞,增强其吞噬功能,从而清除这些“垃圾”。在实验中,给易患糖尿病的小鼠进行 LPS 皮内注射后,糖尿病的发作延迟了。人类实验中,也显示了明显的血糖下降效果。


脂质异常症,也就是常说的代谢综合征,是指血液中含有过量的 LDL 胆固醇等“坏”胆固醇。LPS 可以在不降低“好”胆固醇的情况下,单独降低 LDL 胆固醇。


阿尔茨海默症是由老人斑构成的“淀粉样β蛋白”在大脑中积累,杀死神经细胞并导致大脑萎缩所引起的。LPS 通过激活大脑中巨噬细胞——小胶质细胞的功能,清除淀粉样β蛋白,从而预防阿尔茨海默症。


摄入过多盐分会导致体内渗透压失衡,水分进入血管内,导致血压升高并引发高血压。自然免疫的巨噬细胞在感受到盐分时,会聚集到皮肤中,形成淋巴管,降低间质中的盐分浓度,从而防止高血压。通过摄入 LPS,可以激活这些巨噬细胞的功能,从而预防高血压。



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