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SBM means‘ making your own body.’It is a set of simple, self-curing exercises for your back and neck by using a special SBM pillow. The exercise will gradually correct the position of pelvis, Spine, neck, leading to correction of balance disorders and muscle imbalances and could help and support all discs and cartridges, release nerve compression
Showing posts from October, 2023
Join the Self Body Make (SBM) Detox Workshop on 12th Nov 2023 - London
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Mental issues - The cervical spine is particularly important
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Our product is a well-balanced formula of good-quality glucosamine
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Your pelvis should remain in a neutral position when resting, without leaning forward or backward
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Tingling in the hands, numbness in the fingers, slow movement of the fingers?
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She keeps her body in good health by continuing the SBM.
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Daily physical and mental care, ongoing for 16 years.
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I want to be able to walk well and go out on my own legs forever.
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I don't have headaches and I don't even feel them
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There are only three ways people can change
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We no longer have to rely on sleeping pills.
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When you do something new, you have to be prepared. If you decide to do it, you can do it.
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What are the symptoms that have been improved by SBM?
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I had problems with cervical vertebrae 4 and 5.
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what do you want to do about your current physical and mental health problems?
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I take glucosamine before I climb a mountain.
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If you keep going SBM, it won't change immediately, but your body will definitely change!
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- SBM Detox Seminar104
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- SBM. london7
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- SBMtraial13
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- 英国8
- 英国,3
- 骨盤美容8