SBM 10-year milestone

Clients who have recently graduated from Tokyo Main School

Congratulations to her 

I am happy to be able to graduate at the 10-year milestone, and I am happy to have written about my feelings about SBM as they come to mind, and I hope this will be of some help to you.


Lily and Gold Tokyo

"First SBM Experience:

I attended a seminar with everyone who was also participating in SBM for the first time. After listening to the talk, I experienced SBM for about 5 minutes, focusing on my lower back and neck. Even though I managed to sit on the floor for the first time, my posture was so bad that I experienced intense pain in my lower back. What was even worse was when I tilted my head left and right with a pillow under my neck – I felt nausea and dizziness instantly. Those 5 minutes felt unbearably long.

During that time, even when I got into bed feeling tired, I couldn't fall asleep easily. I would toss and turn, listening to the ticking of the clock, and despite sleeping for a certain amount of time, I never woke up feeling refreshed. However, after experiencing SBM for a few minutes, I became incredibly sleepy and ended up taking a 2-hour nap. When I woke up, I felt a sense of clarity I hadn't experienced in a while, and my body felt lighter. That was the moment I strongly felt the desire to continue with SBM.

Starting to Attend Classes:

In my first body check, it was revealed that my lower back was compressed, causing an asymmetrical position. Sitting down exacerbated the pain, and due to this, my legs were uneven in length by as much as 3 centimeters. As a result, I often twisted my legs in places without steps. My neck was in bad condition as well, not in a readable state. Although I didn't realize it, I must have been in a depressed state, to the point where the instructor said to me, 'Thank you for staying alive.'

Looking back, I could only stand on the left side when walking beside someone and could only turn my head to the right when talking.

The first lesson was a struggle with pain and nausea. I kept saying 'I feel like vomiting,' while the seniors on both sides encouraged me. Even at home, I couldn't manage to sway for the minimum 30 minutes. However, relying on the success stories of senior participants that I had read on the teacher's blog before starting, I gradually increased the time I spent swaying every day.

It took me 7 months to stabilize my pelvis enough to wear the pelvic belt. Thanks to my daily exercises, my shoulder stiffness and lower back pain gradually improved. However, around this time, the healing response started. After exercise, I would experience migraines that I used to have in the past. I would hear a metallic sound in my head, and areas where I had applied moxibustion would feel like they were being stabbed with an ice pick. Sometimes my legs would cramp and I wouldn't be able to move for a while. One day, I experienced severe lower back pain and couldn't even get out of bed.

Even though the healing response was intense and unbearable, following the advice to exercise was the right thing to do. Somehow, I managed to crawl out of bed and exercise while on the verge of tears. As time passed after exercise, the pain miraculously subsided, and I could move around normally again."

Significant Changes with SBM:

Amidst numerous healing reactions, I've experienced several positive changes. The most significant one is that my body temperature increased from the mid-35s to the mid-36s Celsius. Even during summer, I used to shiver and couldn't take off my jacket indoors with the air conditioning on. But now, as I exercise and with each passing year, my body temperature has risen to the point where I can comfortably be without sleeves or shoes under the air conditioning, and I can even walk around barefoot indoors during the winter.

Furthermore, the persistent dull complexion, which used to be a concern, has transformed into a healthy red glow, resembling the blush I put on, and my skin has improved considerably with fewer breakouts. I've gone from using a multitude of skincare products to just two.

Most importantly, the weight I struggled to lose after giving birth has gradually started to come off, and I've dropped in size as well. This has allowed me to enjoy fashion, which I love, and it brings me immense joy.

Additionally, I now find myself thinking, "Is this really me?" In the past, I used to overly worry about others and struggled to express my true feelings, often keeping things inside. I would dwell on small matters. However, I've learned to be honest with myself, expressing what I want to say even if not everyone understands, and this has made life much more livable.

While attending lessons, my parents' health declined, and I found myself becoming their caregiver. Despite facing challenges, even expressing occasional grievances, I attribute our ability to overcome them to SBM.

Finally, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude. To Yukiko-sensei, who has always supported and guided me, encouraging me despite the slow progress. To Masayo-sensei, who praised the changes every time we met during seminars and lessons. To Mika-sensei, who also acknowledged my progress during our lessons together and uplifted my spirits even during tough times. To all of you, who welcomed me with enthusiasm at the classroom and filled me with a refreshing feeling and joy after exercising. Thank you very much.

As of now, I'm always full of energy, and every day is enjoyable beyond words. I am truly thankful for being able to reach this state, and I sincerely believe that starting SBM with courage back then was the best decision.

I plan to continue practicing SBM for the rest of my life to maintain this condition. Once again, I extend my heartfelt gratitude.

Thank you, thank you so much.



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