Getting started with SBM

 SBM is a method to take care of your body by yourself. 70-80% of your discomfort is related to misalignment in your body.

You can correct the misalignments caused by lifestyle habits and physical stress on your own.



For those who are considering joining, we offer a 3-month course of SBM trial lessons to provide you with a taste of what our classes entail. This trial period allows you to experience the benefits of Self Body Make before committing to a full class. If you would like further information, please reach out to us, and we'll be happy to assist you.


 3-month course of SBM trial lessons  

 £270 (3 lesson )x 3 Month £810

 SBM Pillow             £120



Lily and gold Glucosamine   £90 15days

SBM is even more effective when taken with Lily and gold Glucosamine, which supports discs and cartilage


Depending on how your body changes, you may be asked to wear an SBM belt or mouthpiece.


At the end of the 3-month SBM trial lesson, you will join a class if you wish to continue.


Self Body Make Annually Membership Class 

Admission Fee


Annual Fee

270 (from the second year)

Monthly Fee

270 (3 classes per month)



SBM is not a medical procedure; SBM is based on the principle that you can heal yourself; SBM is an exercise that you do at your own risk. We will only accept SBM if you are able to do it at your own risk.




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