Neck and Back pain always has causes

Neck and  Back pain always has causes

Unfortunately we do not know exactly what causes
When I was taking care of my grandmother  she was 99 years old. I already my both hand num and back pain and sciatica. I visited Dr to check and blood test as well. Dr asked me put the plaster on both hands and back. I had three times chiropractic treatment for my pain in month. I realised I have had treatment for ever.

First time I joined the SBM basic workshop in Tokyo.I studied how important balance of body.
My pelvis is not right pelvis was up which means slightly higher than left. So my right legs shorter than left. My lower back was too stiff and straight and I do not have curve of Lumber. Too stiff and squeeze my nerve which related my sciatica. My neck was not curve as well. You can refer the following picture why my both hands num finally I got it. 

Ref: The Human Boy Book from DK

I stop seeing my Dr and chiropractic and started Self Body Make exercises instead.
I had my gut feeling I can recover from my all disorder if my body back to normal. SBM will gradually correct the position of pelvis, spine, leading to correction of balance disorders and muscle imbalances. After on years and four month my all disorder has gone and I do not have any pain, lost my weight back to normal life! I have more stamina and energy to do many things in daily life.I still continue to doing SBM everyday and keep fit and healthy.

I liked SBM because its simple  only two exercises which back and neck by using a special SBM pillow. Using SBM pillow make S curve as well. when you feel pain you can not jump and run and stand to exercises can you?  SBM is lying yoga-mat and do exercises. Our clients are from 10 - 75 years old. SBM is all ages.

During our workshop I will check your body and some advise and SBM practice with me.
All age women welcome to our workshop

for your reference my clients Herniated disc & Migraine experience



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