SBM has empowered her to address discomfort and enhance her well-being independently.

Our Client's family SBM Trial

It was a pleasure meeting you during your holiday visit to London from China. She expressed interest in SBM and wanted to try it out for herself.

Despite being her first experience with SBM, she demonstrated remarkable flexibility and skill during the session.

During our conversation, she mentioned experiencing muscle stiffness for many years and relying on massages for relief. 

Interestingly, her sister-in-law, who is also one of our clients at the London School (Lily and Gold London), had a similar experience. 

She shared that since starting SBM, she not only lost weight and improved her physique but also found relief from shoulder and lower back pain. SBM has empowered her to address discomfort and enhance her well-being independently.

It is not uncommon for individuals to believe that only massages can alleviate issues such as shoulder and neck stiffness or lower back pain. 

Establishing a habit of incorporating daily SBM into her routine can be a beneficial alternative. 

I encourage her to continue exploring SBM as a means to address and improve any discomfort she may be experiencing. 

Thank you for coming and It was good to see you.








SBM Detox Seminar
3rd March  2024 at Shaolin Temple UK

SBM Class in North London 



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