I want to say to myself, "Well done!
Today we would like to introduce a customer from the Tokyo Main School.
🌟Ms Naoko Yoshida 🌟
It has been three and a half years since she attended our classes. Please read on ✨

I started SBM in February 2019 and have been continuing for three years and four months.
The osteopath I had been going to twice a week until then was moving far away and I had to find a new osteopath who would be a good fit... I'm tired of it... That's when I decided to start SBM.
At that time, I had extreme stiff shoulders and neck, which was my biggest problem at the time, and I was barely able to move after two hours of treatment twice a week at a time. I still remember the first time Yuriko Sensei looked at my body at a seminar and she said,
"How can you move in this condition?
I had been relying on other people to keep my body in a state where I could move, such as through physical therapy and massage, so when I realised that I could stop all of that and heal my body through this exercise alone, at first I wondered if I would be able to do it. I was also worried about whether I would be able to attend three times a month, as I had been experiencing ups and downs due to seasonal and climatic changes, and had repeatedly started something only to stop because I couldn't go any sooner. However, I couldn't give in to my feelings of weakness right away because of my daughter, who joined at the same time, and because the teachers and other senior students in the class always welcomed me warmly and generously shared their own experiences and gave me advice, I didn't give in to the feeling that I didn't want to go out anymore today. I was able to keep going to the clinic.
Eventually, the desire to go to physical therapy gradually faded away, I started waking up every hour and gradually started sleeping longer and longer, and various symptoms disappeared.
For your information, the symptoms that have improved are: stiff shoulders, insomnia, migraines, seasonal depression, a cough that lasts from early autumn to winter, flying mosquitoes, menstrual pain, frozen shoulders, shortness of breath, PMS, rosacea-like dermatitis, frequent leg cramps, sciatica, leg swelling, tinnitus, chronic fatigue, obesity, and even things I had given up on, saying "This can't be helped. I have even given up on them and now they are improving. In particular, rosacea-like dermatitis, in which my forehead, nose and cheeks are always red as if I were wearing a red mask, eczema forms and the redness becomes even stronger with changes in temperature, was said to never completely heal, so I never thought it would! I couldn't believe it myself.
What I find amazing about SBM is that not only can it improve all kinds of physical problems and symptoms, but it can also make symptoms disappear that you would think are normal at my age. In my case, the menopausal symptoms that had started to appear before I started SBM have not appeared at all, and the sagging jowls, wrinkles and fatty lumps on my lower eyelids have disappeared. And you can do it at home, on your own, without going anywhere or getting help. You don't even need to look for a symptom-specific cure. It must be hard to exercise every day, right? But for me, it's much harder to keep looking for ways to make it a little bit better, or to have to go out and make an appointment. I'd rather do SBM and know that I'm doing it well and in a good mood every day, which gives me a huge sense of security and confidence.
I want to say to myself, "Well done!
You too can make you a difference with SBM.
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