上海Oggi 介绍 Lily & Gold Inc SBM 骨盤美容


Shanghai Oggi introduce Lily & Gold Inc SBM(Self Body Make)
上海Oggi 介绍 Lily & Gold Inc SBM 骨盤美容

Yuriko是日本东京总学校的总统而我的老师。她在专门学骨盆正骨学校,获得了专业资格,并开班了Lily &Gold 教室(东京本校,东京赤坂,名古屋,英国伦敦)


SBM的意思是“自我塑身” 自我塑身是通过腰部以及劲部运动,纠正身体骨骼的扭曲



"A modern office lifestyle often involves long hours in front of a computer. Sitting for such a long time causes lower back pain and neck pain. For example, I myself now started feeling such effects on my body – lower back pain, can’t lift heavy items, and can’t wear high heels. As for the neck, as I often read on my mobile, with my neck pointing down. I am feeling the consequences -- no pillows feel comfortable to me.
SBM is an exercise targeting the lower back and the neck. By slowly adjusting the spinal position, it aims to balance the posture and to help regain health.
At first glance, SMB is very simple. You only need to put a small pillow under the lower back or under the neck and rotate the waist or neck with rhythm. In reality it is not that simple. In my case, my lower spine is already a bit stiff. When I first did the exercise, it took a while to warm up and relax into the position. However, once I reached the right position and started to move, I could feel the stimulation and adjustment the movement made to my lower back, and it was like a kind of massage.
The movement for the neck is relatively easier, as our neck is usually less stiff than the back and quicker to warm up. With Mika’s help, it was very comfortable to do the exercise. The speed of the rotation might appear to be a bit quick for beginners, but I believe once the learners are more familiar with the exercise they won’t feel this way. Doing these exercises before bedtime can help with sleep.
Adjusting the spine is a gradual process. So for this exercise, consistency is important!"

If you want to try SBM(Self Body Make)
 please feel free contact us.

We are based in North Finchley 

SBM trial Lesson 60min including body check.
£140 for trial

SBM regular Class is membership only.

more details 



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