How long does it takes to heal of Herniated disc or less pain by SBM?

My friend who diagnosed as herniated Disc C4-C5 after she took MRI. Her symptom is shoulder pain and shoulder stiff and her neck is getting shouter (which means compress her discs).

GP opinion - if you do not have any pain at the moment Let's wait and see for a while. once you got pain you could take pain killer, infections then surgery if necessary.

Chinese medicine & acupuncture said   - Please care of you neck and do not put on much pressure because your disc will be more compress. Let's wait and see for a while.

She then visited chiropractor to check her neck and chiropractor explain about curve of neck. "Your neck is reversed curve  and starting bend from C6-C7. You need to make proper neck curve and release and less compress your disc)  Then she realised she remember what I said to her before Spine how important for human.  She feel she could fix your self. Then she needed my fourth opinion as physical exercises.

After I looked her MRI scan's result, I saw her neck does not have curve and compress her some discs.

The key of herniated discs healed are curve of spine and muscle by exercises.
Can you imagine how much weight your head ?  5- 6kg?

Always clients how long does it take to heal or pain free after started SBM?
Off course all clients are different however in my experience, follow our instruction to do daily SBM exercises and three time lesson every month, after 6month clients feel less pain or start back to work and improve a quality of life. If you want to know more details, please contact us and try SBM trial lesson! 



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