*Healing Herniated Discs on Your Own*
Kindle Book
Japanese edition
Recently, at Ms. Yuriko's book launch party at the main Lily and Gold campus, I had the opportunity to share some exciting news.
I, Meimei, will also be publishing a Kindle book titled
"Healing Herniated Discs on Your Own."
This unexpected opportunity to publish on Kindle has been incredible. I am truly grateful to President Kikuchi of Pub Lab and to My MasterYuriko from the Tokyo campus for making this possible.
「Healing Herniated Discs on Your Own」
As the title suggests, this book focuses on self-healing for herniated discs through SBM.
While SBM can address a variety of conditions, this book specifically focuses on herniated discs, featuring the experiences of clients at Lily and Gold London who successfully managed and healed their symptoms.
I’ve also written about how I first discovered SBM and my experiences with it here in London.
Reflecting on this opportunity, I’m filled with gratitude as I go through past client records, recalling those challenging days and the many breakthroughs we witnessed together. I find myself pausing, reminiscing, and thinking,
“You really made it through that tough time.”
Just as I start drifting off, I hear an inner voice gently reminding me, “Get back to writing!”
and so I return to my work with a smile.
I’ll be sharing more about the book on the blog, so stay tuned!
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