Client from Taiwan ー Intensive SBM lessons in London

ZOOM SBM trial lesson @ Taiwan


3 months SBM Daily 45 min waist + 45 min neck @ Taiwan


Then 2 weeks in London this time

Intensive lessons (6 SBM lessons & 2 Body Checks with clients)

1️⃣During the intensive training period, the teacher provided continuous and correct guidance to ensure that the SBM exercises were performed correctly on a daily basis.

2️⃣By building upon the foundation of regular practice, significant progress was achieved within a short period of time, which was unexpected when practicing alone.

3️⃣Having the guidance of a teacher during the intensive training sessions provided a sense of reassurance, even when experiencing discomfort. There was no concern about getting injured.

4️⃣With the guidance of a teacher, there was more confidence and peace of mind to continue practicing.

5️⃣Pain that was previously experienced in daily life, such as lower back pain, foot pain while walking, and neck and shoulder pain, significantly reduced within a short time. Shoulder and neck pain disappeared, although full range of motion has not yet been achieved.

6️⃣I am now able to climb stairs without knee pain, which was a challenge before coming to the UK.

7️⃣Since arriving in the UK, I have been taking Lily & Gold Glucosamine before each SBM session, which has helped alleviate joint cracking.

8️⃣Practicing together with other clients has provided a sense of companionship and motivation. Seeing their progress has inspired me to strive for the same level and improve faster. I'm looking forward to advancing to the intermediate class. 😄😄

1. 在密集的練習當中,會有老師持續正確的指導,「每天」SBM動作會「維持在標準的狀態」
2. 把平常練習的基礎,在短時間內達到「大幅的進步」,這是在自己練習的情況下沒有預料到的
3. 在密集有老師的指導下比較放心的去做SBM 即使有痛苦也有老師指導,「不會擔心受傷」
4. 有老師指導的情況下,會更「有信心」「放心」持續的做下去
5. 原來生活上會產生的痛苦(腰痛、走路腳痛、脖子肩膀痛)在短時間內已經減輕許多,甚至肩膀脖子已經不痛了,雖然轉頭還沒有完全
6. 膝蓋也可以爬樓梯了(來英國之前爬樓梯是很痛的) 
7. 來英國後開始每次做SBM之前喝 Lily & Gold Glucosamine ,讓我關節不在喀啦喀啦的響
8. 和客人一起做讓我有同伴一起學習,看到他們的成果會更加激勵自己,想做得跟他們一樣,想進步快一點,進中級班🤣🤣

Pineapple Cake ❤️ from Taiwan 

SBM Lesson - membership only  

SBM Trial Lesson 3month Course 

For those who are considering joining, we offer a 3-month course of SBM trial lessons to provide you with a taste of what our classes entail. This trial period allows you to experience the benefits of Self Body Make before committing to a full class. If you would like further information, please reach out to us, and we'll be happy to assist you.

 3-month course of SBM trial lessons  £270 (3 lesson )x 3Month =£810
 SBM Pillow               £120



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