The reason I started SBM was because the fundamental method of "you have to take care of your own body"

🌟Ms.Maki Miyoshi 🌟

Lily & Gold Tokyo Maim school

Your clear, beautiful skin and your axial way of life are an example to all of us.

Please read Maki'"s feedback.


The reason I started SBM was because the fundamental method of "you have to take care of your own body" resonated with me and became clear to me. At the time, I was seriously suffering from stiff shoulders, eyestrain and lethargy as subjective symptoms, and almost every day I went to many places for massage, acupuncture and moxibustion, and bodywork whenever I heard there was a good place. I also went to various trendy esthetic clinics. But no matter how much help I got from others, the improvement was only temporary.

I had the chance to attend SBM's lessons and was told why I had been taking help from others and why I had not been able to fundamentally heal. She told me that if the muscles that support the bones are not in the correct position, no matter how much you forcefully move the bones with physical therapy, the position of the muscles has not changed and they will come back again, and that by thickening the discs between the bones, the nerve pathways will improve and you will be free from all kinds of pain.  I remember feeling relieved that I only had to work on these exercises and I would be fine.

My initial physical condition included a raised and distorted pelvis on the left side, a left-right difference in leg length of about 4 cm, a swivelling neck, a left-right difference in back muscles and a raised shoulder blade. Much of this was caused by a skiing accident 20 years ago, in which she walked shielding her left side due to a complex fracture of her right leg knee, which at one point threatened amputation. The doctor at the time told me to be prepared to live with an cane  for the rest of my life. Fortunately, I recovered to the point where I could walk normally, but I was aware that the whole body had to balance my disabled right leg (which could not sit upright or straighten out), which led to all these symptoms.

The SBM method of healing my body by myself, which had been distorted by my daily life, required a steady effort, as I had chosen to take the easy way out with the help of others. I was so busy with work that I had no time to face myself, put others first and lost track of my true feelings and preferences. This state of mind manifested itself in my body, and for a long time I was in the opposite state of mind, where a soft and supple body would be ideal. I was able to learn, overcome and grow a lot from the consistent and reasonable guidance of my teacher and my fellow students in the class. It also led me to face myself in a real sense.

SBM has now become a habit and is as much a part of my daily routine as brushing my teeth or taking a bath. Thanks to SBM, the initial left-right difference between my legs has disappeared and I no longer trip frequently or fall down the stairs. Daily fatigue is eliminated by the SBM and I have no stiff shoulders or eye strain. Especially under the new Corona, I have felt keenly the benefits of SBM performed at home. I have a strong sense of self-balance and am able to try many new things. I have regained a sound body and mind, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I would like to continue to lead a happy and fulfilling life with SBM.


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